Our Impact

Joyce Mudenda Siachiwema, agro loan client of AB Bank, on her farm land in Chilanga Area, Lusaka, Zambia

Our commitment helps create an inclusive financial sector built on equal rights and gender equality that improves people’s livelihoods, drives local economic growth, and creates jobs.

Our Impact at a Glance


Number of Clients 

Based on number of accounts


Female Clients


Rural Clients


Young Clients  

35 years or younger


Loans Disbursed  

Accumulated no. of loans disbursed since Jan-2008


Average Loan Amount  

Average disbursed loan amount in EUR since Jan-2008


Business Loans  

Percentage of business loans outstanding


Digital Transactions  

Share of transactions done via alternative delivery channels


Number of Staff  

All staff working in eight network institutions


Female Staff


Employee Training Days  

Total training days (8h) ytd, incl. classroom, blended and e-learning


Completed e-Learning  

Total number of e-courses finished since May-2017

Impact Framework

AccessHolding envisions an inclusive financial sector that improves people’s livelihoods, drives local economic growth and job creation, and strengthens equal rights and gender equality. We condensed our mission into three primary goals that help realize and measure our impact worldwide.

Access to and use of responsible financial services for underserved populations
By providing responsible financial services to underserved populations we enable them to advance their economic situation.
Supporting decent jobs and fostering economic development
Increasing financial inclusion of micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) contributes to income generation and supports more and better jobs.
Women’s economic empowerment and reduction of inequalities
Financial inclusion helps women gain greater control over their financial lives, greater independence and say over household budgets.

Our impact goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of which six goals were selected for our work. As many of the SDGs are interrelated and interdependent, the choice of six priority SDGs help us to streamline and frame our development impact pathway.

To measure our progress towards our impact goals, we use a combination of financial and social impact metrics, information derived from regular operating reports (financial impact metrics), and information gathered from impact snapshots.

Impact Stories