Capacity Building – It’s In Our DNA

At AccessGroup, we believe that intense human capacity building and resource management will improve management of our institutions and prepare our staff for upcoming challenges, especially in times of complex, potentially disruptive changes. To achieve this, we build on a competency-based HR approach, which takes a holistic approach to people development: the Access Development Programme. This programme focuses not just on the tasks and outputs of a role but also on what behaviours need to be demonstrated when completing tasks.
Capacity building plays a crucial role as it helps us go beyond realising organisational changes that are directly related to technical innovations. It is essential that the institutions go even further and realise an overall shift in corporate culture, putting the client at the centre in all regards. Client centricity then becomes a cross-cutting philosophy within the institutions. This in turn will contribute to outreach and profitability. Therefore, Capacity Building forms a key component of the Access2Access Programme (A2A) and is supported by Mastercard Foundation as part of the Partnership Programme with AccessHolding.

Learn more about AccessHolding’s Capacity Building or download the report.