AccessCampus Goes Virtual

The COVID-19 emergency might have shut classrooms worldwide, but that doesn’t stop AccessHolding’s Learning and Development unit being innovative and adapting to changed circumstances. In May, the very first AccessCampus virtual classroom training session went live to 21 participants across the network proving that AccessCampus is indeed always accessible. The new reality of COVID-19 means that online training has never been in more demand. While AccessHolding is already well-placed in this new environment thanks to AccessMind, our learning management system, the innovation of virtual classroom training, hosted on Microsoft Teams, allows us to combine eLearning with regular scheduled “classroom” training interventions to continue providing a truly blended learning solution during the ongoing emergency.
However, while this is a milestone for AccessCampus, it’s not simply a case of putting a camera in front of a trainer and conducting business as usual. This first virtual classroom session is only a starting point for us. Because the emergency forces us to suddenly change the mode of training from face-to-face classroom sessions to a virtual environment, there are significant instructional design ramifications for our learning materials. Training materials produced for the optimal classroom experience must be repurposed for the optimal online experience. Existing classroom material that is suitable for the virtual classroom environment will be chunked into shorter learning interventions to make the virtual classroom experience more effective.
The new AccessCampus curriculum is aimed at the future leaders of our banks with a specific focus on middle management. Each training course consists of a series of virtual sessions (60 – 90 minutes long) and practical classroom training when we can meet again in one place. Between sessions, AccessCampus participants work on different assignments and avail of individual and group coaching support. Participants also work in teams, present online presentations, undertake self-study, and complete final assessments. In all, the AccessCampus blended programme consists of three blocks with 50 hours of distance learning and 17 days of classroom training.
Because we follow an evidence-based instructional design approach, our materials will adapt as we move forward with the programme in its new, evolving guise. For now, however, we celebrate this first milestone with our new promo video. To view, click below, expand to full screen, and use headphones. You can also view this on our YouTube channel.